renowned artists
sorted by birth order

Paul GauguinPaul Gauguin (June 7, 1848 - May 9, 1903) was a leading Post-Impressionist painter. His bold experimentation with coloring led directly to the fauvist style of modern art.
William HarnettWilliam MichAEl Harnett (1848-1892) was an Irish-American painter who helped pioneer a trompe l'oeil (literally, "fool the eye") style of realistic painting. He painted still lifes of common household objects arranged in such a way that the painting was to be mistaken for the objects themselves. These objects included musical instruments, firearms, and even paper currency, similar to contemporary John Haberle and successor Otis Kaye.
Gustave CaillebotteGustave Caillebotte (August 19, 1848 - February 21, 1894), was a French painter and supporter of the Impressionist movement in art.
Louis Comfort TiffanyLouis Comfort Tiffany (February 18, 1848 - January 17, 1933) was an American artist and designer who worked in the decorative arts and is best known for his work in stained glass and is the American artist most associated with the Art Nouveau and AEsthetic movements.
Lilla Cabot PerryLilla Cabot Perry (b. January 13, 1848, Boston, Massachusetts - d. February 28, 1933, Hancock, New Hampshire), was one of the first American artists to embrace impressionism during the late 19th century.
Jules Bastien-LepageJules Bastien-Lepage (November 1, 1848 - December 10, 1884) was a French painter.
Anna BochAnna Rosalie Boch (10 February 1848 - 25 February 1936) was a Belgian painter.
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