renowned artists
sorted by reverse birth order

Esther ShawEsther Shaw (born 1943 in Boston) a sense of place and our tie with the life forces of the universe
Gilbert and GeorgeGilbert Prousch (or Proesch) (born in San Martin (San Martino), Italy, September 11, 1943) and George Passmore (born in Devon, England January 8, 1942), better known as Gilbert & George, are artists. They have worked almost exclusively as a pair.
Bruce NaumanBruce Nauman (born 1941) is a contemporary American artist. His pluralistic practice spans
Boris VallejoBoris Vallejo (born January 8, 1941 in Lima, Peru) is a Peruvian painter.
Lynda BenglisLynda Benglis (born October 25, 1941 in Lake Charles, Louisiana) is an American sculptor known for her wax paintings and poured latex sculptures.
Chuck CloseChuck Thomas Close (born July 5, 1940, Monroe, Washington. died August 19, 2021, Oceanside, N.Y) was an American painter and photographer who achieved fame as a photorealist before a catastrophic blood clot left him severely paralyzed.
Stanley MouseStanley "Mouse" Miller (born in 1940) is an American artist best known for his psychedelic art designs for 1960s rock concert posters, as well as Grateful Dead album cover art.
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