renowned artists
sorted by reverse birth order

Robert LongoRobert Longo (born January 7, 1953) is an American painter and sculptor.
Nan GoldinNan Goldin (born 1953) is an American fine-art and documentary photographer.
Anish KapoorAnish Kapoor (born 1952) is a Turner Prize winning sculptor.
Julian SchnabelJulian Schnabel (born New York, 1951) is an American painter and filmmaker.
Jack VettrianoJack Vettriano (born 25 January 1951 Fife) is a Scottish painter.
Frederick FulmerFrederick Fulmer (born 1951) is the founder of the Joshua Tree Art Gallery, JTAG and the Joshua Tree Highlands Artist Residency, JTHAR
Andres SerranoAndres Serrano (born August 15, 1950) is an American photographer who has become most notorious through his photos of corpses, as well as other controversial works.
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