renowned artists
sorted by reverse birth order

Murat Pakcreator of Archillect, a living inspiration archive that works by combing the web for images and selecting ones according to their history on social medi
Chantal JoffeChantal Joffe (born 1969 in St. Albans) is an English artist based in London.
Chris OfiliChris Ofili (born 1968) is an English born painter noted for artworks referencing aspects of his Nigerian heritage. He is one of the Young British Artists. He is a Turner Prize winner and his work has been a source of controversy.
Justin BuaJustin Bua is an artist, author, speaker and entrepreneur.
Janine AntoniJanine Antoni (b. January 19, 1964 in Freeport, Bahamas) is a contemporary artist whose work focuses mostly on process.
Tracey EminTracey Emin RA (born 3 July 1963) is an English artist of Turkish Cypriot origin, one of the group known as Britartists or YBAs (Young British Artists). She has succeeded in equalling, if not surpassing, Damien Hirst among the YBAs in terms of notoriety among the general public.
Jean-Michel BasquiatJean-Michel Basquiat (December 22, 1960 - August 12, 1988) was an American artist born in Brooklyn, New York.
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