renowned artists
sorted by reverse birth order

Cy TwomblyCy Twombly (born April 25, 1928) is an American abstract artist.
Donald JuddDonald Clarence Judd (June 3, 1928 - February 12, 1994) was a minimalist artist (a term he stridently disavowed) whose work sought autonomy and clarity for the constructed object and the space created by it, ultimately achieving a rigorously democratic presentation without compositional hierarchy. It created an outpouring of seemingly effervescent structure without the rigor associated with minimalism proper.
Sol LeWittSol LeWitt (September 9, 1928 - April 8, 2007) was an American artist linked to various movements including conceptual art and minimalism. His media were predominantly painting, drawing, and structures (a term he preferred in opposition to sculpture).
LeRoy NeimanLeRoy Neiman (born June 8, 1927) is an American artist known for his brilliantly colored, semi-abstract paintings and screen prints of athletes and sporting events.
Pierre AlechinskyPierre Alechinsky (born October 19, 1927) is a Belgian artist.
Alex KatzAlex Katz (born July 24, 1927) is an American figural artist associated with the Pop art movement. In particular, he is known for his paintings, sculptures, and prints.
Robert RauschenbergRobert Rauschenberg (born October 22, 1925) is a painter, sculptor, and graphic artist known for helping to redefine American art in the 1950s and '60s, providing an alternative to the then-dominant AEsthetic of Abstract Expressionism.
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