renowned artists
sorted by reverse birth order

Hannah WilkeHannah Wilke (born Arlene Hannah Butter, March 7, 1940 - January 28, 1993) was an American painter, sculptor, and photographer.
Martha CooperMartha Cooper is an American photojournalist born in the 1940s. She earned an art degree at age 19 from Grinnell College.
Mary Ellen MarkMary Ellen Mark (born, March 20, 1940 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is an American photographer, known for her images which fall between social photojournalism and portraiture.
Richard SerraRichard Serra (born 2 November 1939) is an American minimalist sculptor and video artist known for working with large scale assemblies of sheet metal. Serra was involved in the Process Art Movement.
Judy ChicagoJudy Chicago (born Judy Cohen on July 20, 1939) is a feminist artist, author, and educator.
Georg BaselitzGeorg Baselitz (born January 23, 1938) is a German painter who studied in the former East Germany, before moving to what was then the country of West Germany. Baselitz's style is interpreted from a Northern American perspective as Neo-Expressionist, but from a European perspective, it is more seen as postmodern.
David HockneyDavid Hockney (born July 9, 1937) is a British artist, based in California. His work is largely personal and autobiographical, with his paintings of swimming pools in Los Angeles among his best known pieces.
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