renowned artists
sorted alphabetically

Giorgio Morandi
Gustave Moreau
Berthe Morisot
Koloman Moser
Grandma Moses
Robert Motherwell
Stanley Mouse
Alfons Mucha
Otto Mueller
Edvard Munch
Gabriele Munter
Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Eadweard Muybridge
Patrick Nagel
Bruce Nauman
Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Alice Neel
LeRoy Neiman
Louise Nevelson
Barnett Newman
Ben Nicholson
Isamu Noguchi
Kenneth Noland
Emil Nolde
Marianne North
Georgia O'Keeffe
Chris Ofili
ClAEs Oldenburg
Jules Olitski
Francisco Oller
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Female artists, sorted: alphabetically  |  by birth order
All artists, with thumbnails, sorted: alphabetically  |  by birth order
All artists, sorted:
alphabetically  |  by birth order
