John Constable Gallery

Arundel Mill
Hampstead Heath
Parhams Mill
Shoreham Bay
Salisbury Cathedral
St. Johns Dale


Bulletin Board

Renowned Art
John Constable (1776-1837) John Constable was born in East Bergholt, a village on the River Stour in Suffolk, England. He became a great landscape painter. The area of Dedham Vale in Suffolk is known as 'Constable Country'.
Comments about Constable

nameMaria Bicknell
subjectmarriage in 1816
messageJohn Constable fell in love with Maria Bicknell, a local girl whose solicitor father was personally acquainted with the king, and did not consider Constable good enough. After five years, he finally gave his consent to the marriage in 1816. After giving birth to seven children, Maria died of consumption (tuberculosis) in 1829, an event which devastated her husband.
dateSaturday November 5, 2005

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