renowned artists born in the 19th century (1801 - 1900)

Odilon RedonOdilon Redon (April 22, 1840 - July 6, 1916) was a symbolist painter.
Auguste RodinAuguste Rodin (November 12, 1840 - November 17, 1917) was a French sculptor.
Marie BracquemondMarie Bracquemond (1840 - 1916) was a French Impressionist artist, much influenced by Claude Monet.
Pierre-Auguste RenoirPierre-Auguste Renoir (February 25, 1841 - December 3, 1919) was a preeminent French painter.
Berthe MorisotBerthe Morisot (January 14, 1841 - March 2, 1895) was an impressionist painter who demonstrated the possibilities for women artists in avant-garde art movements at the end of the 19th century.
Frederic BazilleFrederic Bazille (December 6, 1841 - November 28, 1870) was an Impressionist painter and soldier.
Armand GuillauminArmand Guillaumin (February 16, 1841 - June 26, 1927), was a French impressionist painter and lithographer.
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