René Magritte Gallery

Time Transfixed
Voice of Space
Human Condition
Lola de Valence
Personal Values
Son of Man
Alice in Wonderland


Bulletin Board

Renowned Art
René Magritte (1898-1967)
René was born in Belgium and in 1922 he married Georgette Berger. In 1925, Magritte painted what he considered to be his first major work, in 1927, he held his first one-man show at the Galérie Le Centaure. He toyed with everyday objects, human habits and emotions, placing them in foreign contexts and questioning their familiar meanings. He rehabilitated the object. He made the commonplace profound and the rational irrational. His work goes beyond escapism and serves to reveal some of the murkier and complex aspects of the human condition.
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Margritte Paintings Jul 23, 2020 100 Famous Paintings by Rene Magritte

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