Stanton Macdonald-Wright Gallery

Motion Picture Industry
American Organization
Jade Flute
Yin Synchromy
Oriental Synchromy
California Landscape


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Renowned Art
Stanton Macdonald-Wright (1890-1973)
MacDonald-Wright was born in Charlottesville, North Carolina. He attended Santa Monica High school and the Art Students League in California, and the Sorbonne and Academies Julian, Colarossi, and Beaux Arts in Paris. He served as the Director of the Art Students League from 1923-30, and oversaw the WPA arts program in the western U.S. during the Depression.

Convinced that color and sound were equivalent phenomena and that one could orchestrate the colors in a painting the way a composer arranged notes and chords in a musical composition, Macdonald-Wright developed Synchromism, a system of painting based on color scales. Later in his life he taught Asian aesthetics at UCLA.
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